Studio V Clads Long Island City Apartments in British Racing Green Terracotta

Architecture practice Studio V has unveiled The Green House apartment block in Long Island City, USA, which was informed by the neighbourhood's history of terracotta production.

Situated at a prominent location on Jackson Avenue near the New York City neighbourhood's waterfront, the 12-storey block encompasses a gallery, retail, 46 two-bedroom apartments and 40 parking spaces that are spread across two lower floors.

"[Studio V founder] Jay's goal with this building… was to create a design that points to the future of Long Island City as well as respects its past," the studio told Dezeen.

Read the full article here.


Studio V’s The Green House uses terra-cotta cladding in a nod to Long Island City’s past


NOVA Nears Completion At 41-05 29th Street In Long Island City, Queens